The common denominator of the entire canine team is the passion for people
Selection of our intervention dogs
Our puppies are specifically selected for IAA for their genetics, balance, and temperament. As a general rule, our dogs come from the best own litters and from the best national and international breeders with a guarantee of not having congenital diseases and an excellent character.
Dogs prepared to the highest level taking care of their well-being above all
The objective is that our working dogs are prepared to work in any environment at any time and that they feel safe, confident and above all they enjoy it to the fullest.
For this, its preparation begins on the third day of life through early stimulation programs and continues with a program of socialization, education and specific preparation until one and a half or two years, at which time it begins to work as a professional dog.
If they want.
Family life
Yaracan dogs are life companions. They are family dogs that work, which guarantees a full and happy life. They feel useful when they attend the programs but in their day-to-day lives they have family experiences, they go to the park, they enjoy vacations in the countryside, the beach, rural houses, etc. and when they retire ... they continue to live with their family.
Well-being, health, and zoonoses
At Yaracan we are very aware of the elements that make up the well-being of our canine companions. The most technical aspects of the Yaracan manuals related to food, hygiene, health, and zoonoses have been developed following the guidelines established by the competent authorities and by experts in these areas, collaborating in particular with the Madrid Veterinary College and the University. Complutense of Madrid.